Please say a pray for Peace today!!
Will you respond to Our Lady’s call for peace
@ 6:40 is a direct response to Our Lady’s urgent call for peace.
She asks us to be her “instruments of peace” and to spread the message throughout the world in this unpeaceful world.
Project @6:40 has three primary objectives:
1. Raise awareness of the spiritual importance and power of the worldwide phenomenon known as “Medjugorje”
2. Promote Our Lady’s primary message of peace.
3. Change the world (If Medjugorje can change one person it can change all people)
*Important notice: The Vatican commission established by Pope Benedict XVI to study the alleged apparitions of Mary at Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina voted overwhelmingly to recognition as supernatural the first seven appearances of Mary in 1981.
From these first messages we notice what is the greatest desire of Our Lady. It is peace .
The Madonna says there are no differences between men, nor reasons for entering into conflict, all people are equal and all people are her children. The path to peace, however, is undermined by the crisis of faith that is experienced in this period and which presages a future society without God. If this happened, says Our Lady, there will never be peace among peoples, never a future society in which everything is finally fair and just. In one of the messages delivered to the visionaries, She says: “Dear children, this humanity desires to meet the future without God. Dear children, today prayer has disappeared from your families”. But a future without God is a future without inner peace and consequently a future of war.” … “Dear children, if there is no peace in the heart, if there is no peace in the family, there can not be peace in the world “.
The Queen of Peace says:
“Dear children! Today I invite you to peace. I have come here as the Queen of Peace and I desire to enrich you with my motherly peace. Dear children, I love you and I desire to bring all of you to the peace which only God gives and which enriches every heart. I invite you to become carriers and witnesses of my peace to this unpeaceful world. Let peace reign in the whole world which is without peace and longs for peace. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.
On June 26, 2018 at precisely 6:40, a message of peace will we be shared across the globe between millions of people in many languages. The message is
“Peace, peace, and only peace…
Peace must reign between man and God
and between all people.”
We chose June 26th because on the Third Day of the apparitions – June 26, 1981 – Our Lady revealed why she came. On that day she told the visionaries that she is the “Queen of Peace” and then she gave her first message meant for the world. With tears in her eyes, she said to the visionaries, “Peace, peace, and only peace, Peace must reign between God and man, and between all people!”
Currently, many of the largest Medjugorje websites and social media groups are excited by this project. Already 600,000 pilgrims can be reached by our network
As momentum builds- and momentum will build each day – as we near the day of peace, we hope millions of apostles of Our Lady will participate. The task is simple but very powerful.
At precisely 6:40 (your time zone) project participants will simply post and share Our Lady’s message of peace. This will be done by e-mail, by social media, by any means possible.
Our vision is that the world will stop – at least for a moment – and reflect on how closely the world is connected and that “peace between all people” can become a real possibility. We believe Our Lady would not spend all these years here if she was chasing the impossible.
Please consider joining Project @6:40 To get updates and instructions please sign up for the @6:40 newsletter here
Peace, Peace, and Only Peace – Peace must Reign Between God and Man and Between All People
Mir, mir i samo mir – Mir mora vladati između Boga i čovjeka i između svih ljudi
Paz, paz e única paz – a paz deve reinar entre Deus e o homem e entre todas as pessoas
Paix, paix et paix seulement – La paix doit régner entre Dieu et l’homme et entre tous les peuples
السلام والسلام والسلام فقط - يجب أن يسود السلام بين الله والإنسان وبين كل الناس
alsalam walsalam walsalam faqat - yjb 'an yasud alsalam bayn allah wal'iinsan wabayn kli alnaas
Frieden, Frieden und nur Frieden – Frieden muss zwischen Gott und Mensch und zwischen allen Menschen herrschen
Paz, paz y única paz: la paz debe reinar entre Dios y el hombre y entre todas las personas
Pokój, pokój i tylko pokój – Pokój musi panować między Bogiem a człowiekiem i między wszystkimi ludźmi
平和、平和、そして唯一の平和 - 平和は神と人間の間、そしてすべての人の間で統治しなければならない
Ειρήνη, ειρήνη και μόνο ειρήνη - Η ειρήνη πρέπει να βασιλεύει μεταξύ του Θεού και του ανθρώπου και μεταξύ όλων των ανθρώπων
Мир, мир и только мир - мир должен царствовать между Богом и человеком и между всеми людьми
Medjugorje Peace Project June 26, 2018 - How Will Your Respond ?
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